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“GIORGOS KARAGIANNIS” Journalism & Technology Award from ECI

The European Communication Institute (ECI) has the honour and responsibility to annually highlight the best performance in the fields of Quality Journalism and Technology. The “GIORGOS KARAGIANNIS” award is offered every year in the context of the Journalistic Awards ascribed by the A. V. Botsis Foundation for the Promotion of Journalism , in the presence of the President of the Republic.
It is awarded to professionals in the field, who have helped to ensure quality and objective journalism, using / utilizing New Technologies. The award is presented to honor the late founder and first president of the Athena Research Center / Professor of ΕΜΠ, Giorgos Karagiannis for his contribution to Language Technologies and as Head of the 3-member Director of the European Institute of Communication Communication, in its first steps, in 2005.

Among others, the award has been alloted to the journalist Vassilis Bitsis for his decisive role in the creation of the Digital Greek Euronews, Geli Vourvouli for the redesign of Digital Kathimerini and Sonia Haimanta for her contribution to the Technological Syntactic Orientation of the DPG Group.

Αυτή η ανάρτηση είναι επίσης διαθέσιμη σε: Ελληνικά (Greek)