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Vassilis Vassilopoulos


Quality, compliance with Standards for Content and Data and especially Codes of Conduct in the Media are the fields to which he has dedicated his professional life after a 30-year career in Journalism and in particular in political reporting. The main stations of this experience were FLASH 9.61 Radio and ERT, but his experience from the research “Quality Standards in the Media” (2015 TRAVELER Publications) and the Drafting of the Self-Regulation Framework in Greek digital media (2016 Association of Internet Publishers) was decisive. He teaches Quality Assurance Systems in online media and Best Journalistic Practices.


Reference to V. V. from the publication of QJNT / Traveler “Quality Standards in the Media. Do they make sense?”


Vassilis Vassilopoulos is a Research Associate on Quality Assurance Systems and Codes of Ethics at the Postgraduate Program “Quality Journalism and New Technologies” of the European Communication Institute. He has worked in web media and radio stations as a content moderator, political editor and analyst.

He has a Master of Arts from the Donau Universitat Krems in “Quality Journalism and New Technologies” – recognized by DOATAP. He holds a Degree in Accounting from the TEI of Management and Economics of Larissa. He is currently the Head of the Content Department of the General Directorate of New Media of ERT S.A.

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